The Delhi-based renowned wedding outfit designer Apsara Sarees shares a perspective on the impact of Covid-19 on the wedding business. It is now synonymous to frequent curfews, smaller weddings, and not a lot of reasons to go shopping.

Covid-19 is one word that has become synonymous with health hazard, sanitization, face mask, curfews, lockdowns, bad economy and a lot of other words which do not have very positive connotations. The pandemic has affected the market in unimaginable ways: businesses have to remain closed every now and then; people cannot spend freely fearing another few days without a job or significantly reduced salaries and going outside still causes certain apprehensions.
Weddings have become rare and when they do happen, everything including the food, celebration and fashion are kept low-key. As a wedding season which was supposed to last till June has been ruined by the pandemic, wedding retail businesses are having a particularly hard time. Most of them were excited and were anticipating an amazing wedding season but now all they have are long-standing inventories that are absolutely not maintenance-free.
Besides the cost incurred for maintaining such inventories, wedding retail businesses have no clue how to deliver the promised goods for the booking orders they received in the month of March and April. A number of bridal outfit orders are on stand-by as there is no source available to deliver them during the current lockdown.
Moreover, the monetary hassles are not just in terms of close-downs, fewer customers and lowered or no sales, rather they also include rent of the business place, employee payouts and other miscellaneous maintenance costs. Somehow or the other, all of it just has to be done to keep a business going.
There is no doubt that these are particularly tough times for any market and its stakeholders. The economy is in poor shape and businesses are hurt. Wedding retail businesses have to acknowledge this harsh reality yet they may choose to stay positive. Maybe not immediately, but we’ll see our economy rise once again. This too shall pass!
Weaved in the year 1969 in the heritage of India, Apsara Sarees yells its rich culture and traditions. It brings to you an amalgamation of true Indian legacy and contemporary silhouettes. Behold as you indulge in the rich aura of intricate details and plush fabrics by the regal house of Apsara Sarees.