Hormones are like messengers in your body. They are responsible for your physical, emotional and mental health. Secreted through endocrine glands.There are a variety of hormones produced in our body responsible for physical as well as mental health . Sometimes due to bad eating habits or poor lifestyle can lead to hormonal imbalance causing profound health damages to you. Acne, pimples, irregular menstruation, constipation etc are signs of hormonal imbalance. In order to solve hormonal issues, first consult your doctor to find if there’s anything that needs medication other than minor ailments can be treated just by eating well and adopting a healthy lifestyle.
Protein is Important
Protein is a very essential part of everyday’s diet. Try to eat 1 gm per body weight i.e if you weigh 50kg, have 50gm everyday. Chicken, yoghurt, cottage cheese, eggs, pulses and almonds are rich in high protein. Hence, rich in amino acids that your body can’t make on its own. It helps in making you feel full by maintaining your ghrelin commonly known as hunger hormone.
Sugar and Carbs should be a mile away
Sugar and carbs have long been associated with many related problems. Fructose found in sugar can trigger your insulin levels causing weight gain sometimes obesity and diabetes. A diet containing high carbs makes you insulin resistant. Staying away from these items can decrease the levels of insulin. If you are having cravings for sweets then eat fruits, berries, dark chocolate, or desserts made with brown sugar, replace sugar with jaggery or use dates as a sweetener in desserts and smoothies.
Add Healthy Fat to your Diet
Fat such as natural fat, saturated fat have been found to maintain your insulin levels as well as lower your bad cholesterol thus increasing good cholesterol. MCT are good fat that is used by the liver for energy. Abundantly found in olive oil, coconut oil. Avoid processed vegetable oils, as they contain trans-fat instead use, mustard oil, it is considered the best for cooking. It slows the cancer cell growth and blocks microbial growth. Sunflower seeds, pumpkin seeds, soybean, tofu, tuna are great sources of healthy fat.
Replace Tea and Coffee with Green Tea
It is highly recommended for older women to opt for green tea to avoid various female health issues. Green tea maintains the level of estrone and estradiol in postmenopausal women. It has also been found that drinking green tea during your period can ease stomach cramps and also the pelvic pain in menopause as well.
Fatty Fish is a must
Omega-3 fatty acid has many benefits including reducing the levels of stress caused by hormonal imbalance. A study conducted on hormones found that omega-3 fatty acid increases insulin sensitivity and decreases insulin level in overweight people. For vegetarians kale, spinach, walnut, chia seeds, flax seeds are great sources of omega-3 fatty acid.
Adopt High Fiber Foods
High fiber diet not just helps in weight management but also controls the level of estrogen in women.Fiber enriched items like beans, artichokes, carrots, beetroot, chia seeds, flax seeds, walnuts, hazelnuts are some of the examples.Always try to maintain the balance in your diet. A healthy diet is composed of proteins, fats, carbs and fiber.Instantly adding too much of any of these can lead to constipation and bloating, so create a balance and have plenty of water.
Exercise Exercise Exercise
Exercise is as important as eating but it is often put in the backburner as the results are not instantly visible. Exercise should be a very integral part of your lifestyle. Doing yoga or normal cardio at your home, evening or early morning walk for 45 minutes a day can boost up your metabolism that causes storage of belly fat. To achieve the desired result always combine it with the exercise routine in order to fully activate your hormones to function properly.