Polycystic Ovary Syndrome commonly known as PCOS is a hormonal disorder caused by excess production of male hormone testosterone with a lack of female hormone estrogen. Due to which female body estrogen receptors malfunction, therefore, leading to irregular periods, weight gain, acne and many such irregularities. For many, figuring out how to survive with such imbalance is an ongoing challenge, with a few relevant information and a lot of myths it is hard to figure out what’s best for you. It is difficult to cure PCOS in the absence of a balanced diet and exercise can expedite the curative processes. A diet with low calories and high in protein and fiber can do wonders for your body. But, here are some worst foods that can imbalance your hormone levels and need to be miles away from your body.
Worst foods for PCOS that needs to be avoided at all cost-
Of course, there are some foods that can trigger PCOS causing more damage. Such foods need to be left behind if you are suffering from PCOS. Here some foods that are considered as worst when it comes to PCOS-
Sugary items (candy and desserts)

Items like these can spike up your insulin levels causing high sugar level or hormonal imbalance. This can lead to deteriorate your health even more. If you are craving then go for a nutri bar or something that contains natural sweeteners.

Caffeine is known to cause hormonal imbalance. They need to be avoided on a regular basis and other caffeine-induced drinks. Caffeine directly affects insulin levels. Women with PCOS need to keep a check on their daily caffeine intake.
Alcoholic Beverages

Alcohol causes inflammation to your body in any health related condition including PCOS. Drugs and alcohol must be avoided when suffering from serious health conditions especially PCOS and PCOD.
Processed carbs (breads, baked goods)

Such foods lack fiber content. Eating such items will lead to hormonal imbalance thus more complications. Try to consume foods that are rich in fiber and protein.
Dairy products ( Milk, Cheese, Paneer)

PCOS is insulin resistant so consuming products that can give high levels of insulin must be avoided. Go for toned milk or skimmed milk if you are looking for a milk substitute.
Best Foods for PCOS

Apples are low in calories and contain natural sugar. Not to mention, they are packed with fiber. Fibers help in boosting the levels of sex hormone-binding globule (SHRG) that combat the high levels of hormones like in this case testosterone.

Oranges too are very low in calories i.e 46 Kcal per 100 g. They are full of Vitamin C and potassium that can lower the levels of blood pressure and reduce chances of heart disease. It also lowers cholesterol. Oranges have a lower glycemic index meaning a slower rise in glucose and insulin levels when digested.

Rich source of potassium thus maintaining blood pressure in your body. Loaded with Vitamin B and antioxidant properties. Bananas are best for reducing the inflammation in your body caused by PCOS.

Just like all the fruits we discussed, peaches are summer favorite, it has an ability to light up anyone’s mood with its sweet-sour taste. Besides this, they are packed with pro-vitamins. A legit muti-vitamin capsule in the form of a fruit.
Berries, Strawberries
Strawberries are sodium-free, fat-free as well as cholesterol-free. They are very low in calories that you can eat at any time in the day. Take a handful and toss it in your salad or whatever you like. Just like oranges, they are packed with vitamin C and potassium than any other food options.
For vegetarians, pecans are a great option for omega-3 fats. Including zinc, magnesium and fiber that are rich for its anti-inflammatory properties. Women who are suffering from arthritis should consider pecans in their diet. Experts recommend pecans for bones related problems too.
Always go for fruits and foods that are low in calories and high in fiber, protein with a lot of vitamins and minerals. Add it in your daily diet and experience the difference yourself.