By Devina Kaur

It’s a search that many people have made before you. And, in all likelihood, it will not be the last time. But make no mistake, this is not an easy task by any means. It may sound cliche to say but what you are after is a “dream job.”
Many people would give up at the prospect of finding such a thing and settle for something less than perfect. If this is you – please don’t! Keep looking because if there’s one thing I’ve learned from my years in the business world, it’s that there are always more opportunities out there for someone like you who is eager to put in the hard work and dedication needed to get to where they want to be.
If you’re ready to get back out there again after a long break or want to make sure that you’re doing everything in your power to ensure that you’re the most awesome candidate for the role – check out these 5 brilliant tips, which I’ve found through my personal experience, have helped me land some of my greatest opportunities ever
Practice interview questions with a friend.
The only way to get better at anything is to practice it repeatedly. With this in mind, I’ll choose an interview candidate who has also prepared for the opportunity more often than not. They are sure to display a serious commitment to their application, which can go a long way.
So make sure you have someone who can practice with you, either in person or over the phone.
Learn how to talk about your experience.
It cannot be easy to describe your accomplishments. You may think that it is a waste of time because you should already know these things about yourself. But, unless you’re applying for jobs that are the same as the ones you’ve already held, this is not going to be the case. It’s important to show your job knowledge, but don’t go overboard and bore your interviewer with all of your nuances. Just give enough information to show how adaptable and flexible you are as an applicant.
Preparing questions before an interview.
There is a lot of debate about whether or not you should have questions prepared for an interview. But, I believe that it is always better to be prepared for anything than to be caught off-guard. Always have a few questions ready just in case there’s an opportunity to answer them. The most important thing to remember when it comes to the interview questions you prepare is to keep them professional. For me personally, using the mirror as your friend always works. So practice responses to your questions in front of the mirror.
What to do before you leave for an interview.
Don’t forget to make yourself look presentable. Looking good increases your self-confidence and it is vital to do everything you can to get the job you have your eyes on. There’s nothing worse than being turned down because of something like a lack of professionalism. So make sure that you’re not just looking decent but also well-rested and in a good mood.
Stay positive.
This is more of a mindset than anything else. No matter the circumstances leading up to the interview, always keep a positive attitude. If you make yourself seem hopeful, people will respond well to that. And if you are not in a good mood, make sure that you reflect within until you can finally show the real person who you are and what’s on your mind.
Follow up with the recruiter that has been in contact with you. You have a phone interview lined up, but you’re nervous about it. It’s good to be nervous because you are taking this seriously and want to make sure everything goes smoothly during the interview process. Learn to manage your nerves; remember to breathe and remain calm through it all.
I hope these tips have helped you better understand what you need to do to land the perfect job. Follow these steps, continue building your network, and tap into your contacts for more feedback on your resume. The main thing is that you can take the time to put in a lot of effort and dedication, which will pay off in the end because there’s nothing better than landing that ideal job.