Dr. Gagan Bhatia, Founder, of Uniqaya, the mother turned doctor, turned healer, and now an entrepreneur. The trajectory of my career has no doubt been astounding and rewarding, but the process has never been easy. Just like any successful woman of today, my early days were marked by a lot of
However, when there’s a will to break free, there’s hope. From getting married at 20 to being blessed with a baby at 21, it has surely been a challenging, yet rewarding journey for me. Being a proud single mother wasn’t a commendable tag of honor in the 1990’s, and so I set foot on a spiritual journey to awaken my belief in myself.
Tell us about your entrepreneurial journey
With over 20 years of experience in the pharmaceutical industry, I have donned multiple hats in my career and personal life. A teacher, field expert, single parent, counselor, doctor, and now, an entrepreneur, the ride has surely been thrilling, to say the least!
The person who inspires me to push my boundaries and strive for greatness is my father, Mr. BPS Bhatia, who’s also the founder of Unimarck Pharma. He has never once turned his back on the challenges of life and I get to learn a lot from his deeds. I hold in the highest of esteem and stand here to take the legacy forward, that he once created.

What is the brand about and when was it established?
In August 2019, Uniqaya Lifestyle was founded to empower people and help them become the best versions of themselves. We aim to ensure that people make the best of what they have already been blessed with. We want to see our products being adopted into our consumers & lifestyle and help them become the best, most beautiful, unadulterated, and true versions of themselves.
How did you choose the brand name?
The brand name was chosen due to my firm belief in God and all his creations. All that God creates is unique, and all that he creates is beautiful. Uniqaya seeks to celebrate the beauty of individuality. We picked this name because of how empowering it was to every individual who read it. It originates from the Sanskrit word named “Kaya” which literally translates to “physical body.” The name suggests how everyone is unique oneself, and that is exactly the essence of the brand in a statement.
How do you find inspiration?
I find the inspiration to do better in everything. Inspiration surrounds me in multifold ways. From wanting to hold the torch of excellence from my dear father to see how small businesses eventually scale into profitable companies, the inspiration to strive for glory lies in all around us if we are keen to look for it.
How do you want your brand to be remembered?
I want Uniqaya to be remembered as a brand that doesn’t breed insecurities but inspires and makes people believe in the beauty that lies in individuality. I want the brand to promote wellness and skincare in the most holistic form possible, and to empower people with the belief that we all can achieve healthy skin.