Sakshi Agarwal, Founder of Meesa, brought up with creativity around her. She loved decorating house, painting, cooking and pursuing other artistic hobbies. After thirteen years of marriage, she decided to push her love for design and enrolled in fashion design at Pearl Academy, Delhi. After successfully attaining my knowledge in the field of designing and gaining a flair for fashion with a deep understanding of its impact on the planet, she curated a design space in 2018 that was renamed/registered as ‘Meesa‘.
Pret-a-Couture brand specializing in unconventional textures and hand embroideries. The brand translates the appeal of women of the 20th century, who are working to make their living while keeping their roots and culture intact. Meesa has two segments with Label Meesa being more of ready-to-wear curation and Meesa couture with handcrafted customized styles.
Meesa, which is a combination of me and my loving daughters’ name. As I believe in women power and my daughter Mehek being my ernst supporter in my passion and vision; nothing would’ve been a better add on to my brand name. The design philosophy of the brand, is to give importance to the traditions of Indian craftsmanship in a contemporary vocabulary- which defines the logo of Meesa creating value for hand-made products with detailing.
Being passionate about artisanal crafts and works for revival and sustaining dying artforms and transforming them into sustainable fashion. Their journey started with projects involving artisans’ contributions from different states of India- Maharashtra, Madhya Pradesh, Bihar, and currently Rajasthan reviving Artform that need support. Adding value to our fabrics through their skills. The core of the brand is to reduce greenwashing in the system and keep it a circular model as far as possible so that “ what we take as a brand from nature we give it back to it and the community in a better format. We make sure to self-audit our practices from time to time so that we keep up our promise of giving the best ethically and doing each task mindfully.”
So, currently with a small & dedicated team, they aim to promote ethical and sustainable products with waste management as the core of the brand- as they say, “No waste is waste till you waste it” They use Natural fabrics and dyes with an Ethical process to come out with sustainable output for our conscious shoppers.
Currently with their latest Collection SS22 ‘Revive Revibe’- they are working on waste management in more ways. Sakshi was inspired by kitchen stains and with some R&D along with my team, she created Natural dyes out of Kitchen/Temple/domestic waste to come up with beautiful colour palettes and Eco- printing. Also, they used fabric scraps to turn into a katran cord for embroidery incorporated in few styles. Replacing and providing sustainable option in fabrics like Aloe vera fabric and Orange peel fabric (Natural fabrics play a huge part in Skin and planet’s health) as better option in fashion industry.
Another focus of this collection has been challenging the Gender norms by creating GENDER FLUID and timeless pieces that can be worn throughout the seasons. So she doesn’t want to keep gender as barrier for any of my loving consumers- Fashion is for everyone.
With all this recently, Meesa launched ‘Accessorize with Meesa‘ a segment of quirky, handmade, and waste-free accessories made with fabric scraps and worn-out zippers etc.