The human body consists of close to 60% of water. Water is required and is essential for your day-to-day bodily functions. Drinking an adequate amount of water daily is important to maintain physical health because water aids in digestion, circulation, absorption, and excretion. A large amount of water is lost in our bodies each day via sweat, exertion, etc. and you need to replace it. Whether you are resting in your air-conditioned room each day or exposed to the heat of the sun, you are losing water every hour. Either by urinating or by perspiration. What is noteworthy is that the water we consume reaches all other organs before the skin. Resulting in many skin problems and other ailments due to inadequate water consumption.
When you consume enough water required for your body. The cells in every part of your body get hydrated through the blood. The largest organ, the skin gets hydrated even as the impurities and toxins get flushed out at the cellular level.
Here are all the benefits of drinking water for your skin & hair:
Even Skin Tone: Water acts as a natural detox for your body and flushes out toxins while carrying nutrients to the cells. It increases the blood flow to the skin, giving your skin a glowing and even skin tone.
Prevention of Acne Breakouts: Acne breakouts are the result of build up dead skin cells, clogged pores, oil, and impurities. Water can help hydrate your skin cells and can eliminate impurities from your skin pores, reducing acne breakouts.
Reduces Puffiness: Skin puffiness and swelling is a common problem that can occur due to a variety of factors. One of them being dehydration. Staying hydrated and drinking enough water will reduce the puffiness from your face.
Maintains pH Balance: Imbalance in pH levels can result in acne and various skin problems. Drinking water balances out your body’s pH levels and can aid revive a healthier version of your skin.
Tighter Skin: Aging and weight loss can cause your skin to sag. To prevent your skin from sagging and to tighten it in areas where the sagging is most prominent. Drinking water is highly advised as it revives the skin’s elasticity.
Healthy scalp: Drinking water and maintaining hydration levels would help in maintaining a hydrated scalp. A hydrated scalp would reduce hair fall, improve volume, and give you shiny, bouncy hair.
Strong strands: We mentioned earlier, water makes up a large part of our bodies. This is applicable for hair too. Strands are about one-fourth of water. That means adequate hydration results in stronger and healthier hair.
Facilitates Growth: The secret to growing long luscious locks? Drinking plenty of water. It would help to maintain healthy nerve endings in the scalp and keeps hair roots healthy, supporting faster hair growth.