By Mr. Rishabh Chokhani, Founder, Naturevibe Botanicals
Metabolism is the process by which your body changes over what you eat and drink into energy. During this cycle, calories in food and drinks are joined with oxygen to deliver the energy your body needs to work. After eating food, the digestive system breaks down proteins using enzymes into amino acids, turns fats into fatty acids, and carbohydrates into simple sugars, which the body uses as energy sources when needed. Metabolism is a balancing act involving two kinds of activities that co-occur: building up body tissues and energy sources, called Anabolism, and breaking down body tissues and energy stores to get more fuel for the body functions called Catabolism.
Nutrition is the key to metabolism. The pathways of metabolism rely upon the nutrients that they break down to produce energy. Essential nutrients supply energy (calories) and supply the necessary chemicals that the body cannot synthesize. Food provides a variety of vital substances in the building, upkeep, and repair of body tissues and the efficient functioning of the body.
Besides having a balanced diet, getting enough sleep and exercise, superfoods can play a crucial role in revving your metabolic rate. Superfoods are food varieties power-loaded with nutrients and minerals that a normal eating regimen can’t give. They are food varieties that expand the imperativeness of the body and reinforce the resistant framework. Superfoods are stacked with Phyto-supplements and are rich in antioxidants(such as beta-carotene, nutrients A, C, E, flavonoids, and selenium). They are wealthy in protein and Omega 3s, which are basic structure blocks for developing children.

Spirulina is one of the world’s most popular superfoods and is loaded with various nutrients and antioxidants that help increase metabolic rate. It contains 60% protein and is an excellent source of vitamins A, K1, K2, and B12; iron; manganese; and chromium. Being a rich source of phytonutrients, it reduces blood pressure and cholesterol, increases circulation and energy levels, and decreases inflammation. According to some studies, it has been proved that spirulina has anti-cancer properties and may help to prevent oral cancer.
Flax Seeds

Another superfood that has miraculous effects on your metabolism is flax seeds. For centuries, flax seeds have been prized for their health-protective properties as more and more scientific research points to their health benefits. Flax seeds are probably the most established yield, having been developed since the beginning of mankind. There are two types: brown and golden, both of which are nutrient-dense. One tablespoon contains a significant quantity of protein, fiber, and omega-3 fatty acids, as well as a variety of vitamins and minerals. It has healthy that fats have been shown to raise our fat-burning enzymes and promote more significant weight loss.

Some spices also have extraordinary health benefits that help improve metabolism, such as Cinnamon. For thousands of years, this spice has been used in cooking and baking. It has been used as an ingredient in many dishes across many countries, dating back as far as Ancient Egypt. Cinnamon has been utilized restoratively all throughout the planet. It’s perhaps the most well-known spices and flavor as far as its cell reinforcement levels. Cinnamon can be connected to different medical advantages because of the numerous mixtures in it, including cinnamaldehyde, cinnamate, and cinnamic corrosive. These mixtures give Cinnamon its enemy of diabetes, against microbial, cancer prevention agent, and mitigating properties. Cinnamon can help digestion since the body utilizes more energy to handle the flavor than different food varieties. Cinnamon may have an insulin-like activity in the body, which is found in how sugar is separated in the body. Cinnamon can likewise further develop body digestion, focusing on the fat kept in the stomach region. It again decreases the danger of malignancy, coronary episodes, atherosclerosis, incendiary infection and may advance weight reduction, among different advantages. It can likewise forestall hypertension, and elevated cholesterol levels and advances wound recuperating. Furthermore, Cinnamon has additionally been utilized for other skin conditions.
There are many other foods as well that have phenomenal effects on your metabolism, such as Maca powder, chia seeds, matcha green tea, berries, etc. All these are easy to incorporate into our daily diets and are a must to sustain a healthy body, especially today.